Local Headlines

  • Free Malaysia Today (FMT)
  • Malaysiakini
  • BERNAMA - English Version
  • Malay Mail - Malaysia
Eagles deny Chiefs historic three-peat with thumping Super Bowl win
Philadelphia Eagles' quarterback Jalen Hurts shines, passing for two touchdowns and running for another in the 40-22 win.
JPJ concerned over rise in ‘dummy buckle’ use
Over 30% of the vehicle owners caught not wearing seat belts were using the accessory instead.
Pioneering Pakistani woman MMA fighter breaks barriers
Anita Karim originally trained in taekwondo and jiu-jitsu before discovering mixed martial arts at high school in Islamabad.
“Saya tidak kata saya menyokong Trump. Dan saya tidak peduli dengan reaksi media sosial," katanya.
Ini susulan gesaan seorang ahli akademik agar kementerian perpaduan negara dimansuhkan atas dakwaan prestasi lesu dalam memperkukuhkan hubungan kaum.
“Kita komited untuk memilikinya, mengambilnya, dan memastikan Hamas tidak kembali ke sana,” kata Trump.

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 10 (Bernama) -- The Retreat and 40th Meeting of the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) will take place for four days from Feb 11, 2025, in Langkawi, Kedah, according to Malaysia’s Foreign Minister.

PUTRAJAYA, Feb 10 (Bernama) -- Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has instructed that efforts to ensure the people's welfare, such as eradicating hardcore poverty and flood mitigation projects, be expedited.

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 10 (Bernama) – The number of flood evacuees in Sabah continues to rise, while Sarawak has recorded a slight decline this morning, bringing the total number of displaced individuals housed in temporary evacuation centres (PPS), across both states, to 2,757.

Sabah flood evacuations rise, Sarawak sees slight decline
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 10 — The number of flood evacuees in Sabah continues to rise, while Sarawak has recorded a slight decl...
PM Anwar lauds civil servants’ efficiency, says Malaysia’s Asean chair preparations among the best
PUTRAJAYA, Feb 10 — Malaysia’s preparations as the Asean Chair this year in effectively managing hundreds of programmes...
Elderly climber dies on Mount Kinabalu in bid to reach summit 
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 10 —An elderly climber died while attempting to reach the summit of Mount Kinabalu yesterday. The 65-...


Penduduk Bimbang Banjir dan Tanah Runtuh, Bukit Ditarah Hampiri Kawasan Perumahan

Reading Time: 2 minutesChemor, 12 Dis 2024 – Penduduk di Taman Chepor Indah, Taman Chepor Sentosa & RPT Batu 10 Chepor melahirkan kebimbangan dengan aktiviti penerokaan tanah di lereng bukit di pinggir Hutan Kledang Saiong yang dilihat tidak terkawal kerana semakin menghampiri kawasan kediaman mereka. Seorang penduduk, Encik Azhar Shah mendakwa, dalam tempoh

Wujudkan Trek Motosikal Bagi Tangani Aktiviti Merempit

Reading Time: 2 minutesIpoh, 8 Dis 2024 – Kerajaan Perak disaran mewujudkan segera sebuah trek lumba motosikal di

Perkampungan India Kini Dibawah Jagaan KPKT

Reading Time: < 1 minuteNga Kor Ming selaku Menteri Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan berkata, keputusan dibuat dalam perjumpaan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim bersama 47 ahli Parlimen dan ADUN berbangsa India baru-baru ini. Menurut beliau, kerajaan juga memperuntukkan RM10 juta bagi kemudahan asas dan penubuhan jawatankuasa keselamatan kampung di perkampungan India. “Susunannya, kampung

Parti Asal Sabah Dilancarkan Semula Di Seluruh Negara Dengan Nama Baru

Reading Time: 2 minutesSHAH ALAM, 10 Jun — Sebuah parti politik yang berakar umbi di Sabah dilancarkan semula sebagai parti seluruh negara bernama Parti Bersatu Sasa Malaysia (Bersama) malam ini. Dipimpin oleh seorang lelaki bernama Danial Marnokaran Abdullah, berkata ia bertujuan untuk menamatkan apa yang dipanggil “warisan politik.” “Status quo akan dicabar. Ingat

Penduduk Lega Pembinaan Krematorium Dibatalkan

Reading Time: 2 minutes19 Julai 2024, Tambun – Penduduk Bandar Baru Tambun dan sekitarnya boleh menarik nafas lega selepas kerisauan mereka tentang kemungkinan kewujudan tempat pembakaran mayat (krematorium) dan penyimpanan abu mayat (kolumbarium) mendapat jaminan tidak akan dibenarkan dari ADUN Hulu Kinta, Muhammad Arafat hari ini. Ini berikutan perbincangan antara ADUN, wakil Majlis

Kenyataan Media: Genosid di Wad Al-Noora, Sudan

Reading Time: 2 minutesGenosid di Wad Al-Noora berlaku pada 5 Jun 2024, apabila Pasukan Sokongan Pantas (RSF) menyerang kampung Wad Al-Noora di negeri Al-Jazira dua kali, membunuh lebih 150 orang awam. Ramai lagi dipercayai cedera. Jawatankuasa Penentangan Awam melaporkan bahawa selepas ditempatkan di pinggir kampung, RSF mendokumentasikan diri mereka menggunakan tembakan berat, tembakan

Perkongsian ITC & MYBHA Pacu Tawaran Penginapan Mesra Muslim Malaysia

Reading Time: 2 minutesMoU ini menggariskan komitmen ITC untuk menyediakan latihan menyeluruh mengenai Pelancongan dan Hospitaliti Mesra Muslim (Muslim-Friendly Tourism and Hospitality – MFTH) kepada ahli MyBHA. Inisiatif ini bertujuan untuk membimbing ahli MyBHA untuk mendapatkan Muslim-Friendly Tourism and Hospitality Assurance and Recognition (MFAR) daripada ITC. Pengiktirafan ini akan mengesahkan komitmen mereka untuk

TIC Komited Lahir Ramai Tenaga Muda Berkemahiran Tinggi

Reading Time: < 1 minuteIPOH, 28 Jun 24 – TAJ International College (TIC) komited melahirkan ramai tenaga belia masa depan yang berbakat dan berkemahiran tinggi. Selain itu TIC juga akan memperkasakan mereka menjadi pemimpin,inovator dan pengubah masa depan. Menurut Pengerusi Eksekutif TIC Puan Tina Datuk Seri Tajudin, bagì mencapai matlamat itu TIC menerusi Gerak

Pos Shop Kembangkan Operasi Buka Cawangan ke-17

Reading Time: 2 minutesKUANTAN, 28 Jun 24 – Pos Malaysia Berhad (“Pos Malaysia”), penyedia perkhidmatan pos dan bungkusan nasional, kembali meneruskan perjalanan transformasi runcitnya dengan pelancaran kedai serbaneka Pos Shop terbaharu. Cawangan baharu itu, terletak di dalam Pejabat Pos Besar (GPO) di Jalan Abdul Aziz, Kuantan, Pahang. Ini menandakan Pos Shop ke-17 setakat

Majlis AIDS Malaysia Mohon Sokongan Media Hapuskan Prejudis Terhadap Orang Yang Hidup Dengan HIV

Reading Time: 2 minutesSeruan ini dibuat susulan daripada penerbitan artikel oleh sebuah akhbar tabloid terkemuka yang telah mendedahkan status HIV seorang wanita hamil yang sedang menjalani perbicaraan di mahkamah tanpa kerelaan beliau. Artikel yang diterbitkan pada 19 Jun 2024 itu telah menjadi buah mulut percakapan orang ramai serta tular di media sosial. Pendedahan

Denggi di Perak Makin Membimbangkan

Reading Time: < 1 minuteIPOH, 27 Jun 24 – Peningkatan kes denggi di Perak semakin membimbangkan. Terkini, sebanyak 4,410 kes dilaporkan berbanding 2,726 pada tempoh yang sama tahun lalu. Ini menunjukkan peningkatan sebanyak 162%. Lima kes kematian direkodkan di daerah Kinta manakala 1 di Manjung. Menurut kenyataan oleh EXCO Kesihatan negeri Perak, A. Sivanesan,


- Afiq Amin
(Video) Vanessa Reynauld & Aaron Aziz Recall Setia City Mall Shooting Incident

A few tragic incidents have recently occurred in shopping centres across Malaysia. However, this most recent one is perhaps the most terrifying, as news outlets report there was a shooting at Setia City Mall over the weekend. The sound of gunshots caused panic among shoppers, and singer Vanessa Reynauld and actor Aaron Aziz were apparently […] The post (Video) Vanessa Reynauld & Aaron Aziz Recall Setia City Mall Shooting Incident appeared first on Hype Malaysia. [...]

- Adleena
(Photo) Local Star Ah Niu Holds First Public Wedding After Secretly Remarrying

Late last year, Malaysian star Ah Niu (阿牛) surprised the public after rumours surfaced that he had secretly remarried. While the 48-year-old never directly confirmed the news, it appears he’s becoming more open with his relationship. Recently, news outlets reported that the actor, whose real name is Tan Kheng Seong (陈庆祥), held a public “wedding” […] The post (Photo) Local Star Ah Niu Holds First Public Wedding After Secretly Remarrying appeared first on Hype Malaysia. [...]

- Justin
Elevate Your Timekeeping With The Piaget Polo Flying Tourbillon Moonphase

A true icon of the watchmaking world since its launch in 1979, the Piaget Polo embraced the “sport chic” trend in its own unique way by unveiling a bracelet watch carved from pure gold. Today, it is venturing even further. Having proudly displayed the colours of a masterful skeleton movement since 2021, elevated by an […] The post Elevate Your Timekeeping With The Piaget Polo Flying Tourbillon Moonphase appeared first on Hype Malaysia. [...]

- Dean Zaini
Legendary Death Metal Band Langsuir Taking Mystical Moshpit Tour Across Peninsular Malaysia!

If there’s one thing Langsuir has proven over the years, it’s that Malay mysticism and death metal make for a wickedly potent combination. With over three decades of unwavering devotion to the underground scene, Malaysia’s death metal legends are back with the “Melayu-Mystic Peninsular Tour 2025” – a tour set to rekindle the flames of […] The post Legendary Death Metal Band Langsuir Taking Mystical Moshpit Tour Across Peninsular Malaysia! appeared first on Hype Malaysia. [...]

- Justin
Unlock The Doors To Innovative Cocktails At W Kuala Lumpur

Imagine a place where your favorite cocktails come together in a playful dance of taste and creativity. Previously known as Woobar, Living Room is W Kuala Lumpur’s freshly reimagined destination where cocktails converge in a symphony of flavor, artistry, and connection. Drawing inspiration from the comforting embrace of a traditional living room, this space infuses […] The post Unlock The Doors To Innovative Cocktails At W Kuala Lumpur appeared first on Hype Malaysia. [...]


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'The You You Are' From Severance Is Real, and I Read It

How Ricken Hale helped me become the me I are. [...]

NewPipe Is an Ad-Free, Privacy-Respecting YouTube App for Android

Get the good parts of YouTube without any of the bad parts. [...]

It Looks Like Rumors About the Switch 2's 'Mouse Mode' Might Be True

Imagine how the Call of Duty players will react. [...]


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Tourism Blog (Wego)

- Wego Travel
Aircalin Student Discount: Making the Most of Student Fares and Benefit

This article has been reviewed by Wego’s editorial team to ensure that the content is up to date & accurate. Updated February 2025 Key takeaways: Aircalin offers student discounts for those studying [...]

- Wego Travel
Widerøe Student Discount: How to Save on Flights as a Student

This article is reviewed regularly by Wego‘s editorial team to ensure that the content is up to date & accurate.  Updated February 2025 Key takeaways: Youth fares (12-25) and student fares (26-31) [...]

- Wego Travel
Hajj 2025: Saudi Ministry of Hajj Opens Nusuk Bookings for Pilgrims

This article has been reviewed and fact-checked by Wego’s editorial team. The Ministry of Hajj and Umrah has announced the start of bookings for the 1446H/2025 Hajj season on the official [...]

- Wego Travel
Maltese Feasts: Get to Know the Popular Local Celebrations

This article has been reviewed by Wego’s editorial team to ensure that the content is up to date & accurate. Key takeaways: Malta hosts vibrant cultural and religious celebrations throughout the year, [...]

- Wego Travel
The Bicester Collection: So Much More Than Shopping

Updated February 2025 Twelve distinctive shopping destinations in Western Europe, China and the US, The Bicester Collection hosts more than 1,300 elegant boutiques of the world’s most desirable fashion and lifestyle brands. [...]


- admin

ONE Championship has emerged as one of the most prestigious mixed martial arts (MMA) promotions globally, showcasing some of the The post Rising Stars: The Top Young Fighters in ONE [...]

- admin
Messi Unleashed: A New Era Begins as Lionel Messi gets first win!

Lionel Messi’s much-anticipated journey in American football commenced in remarkable fashion as he scripted a dream debut for Inter Miami. The post Messi Unleashed: A New Era Begins as Lionel [...]

- admin
Basketball: FIBA World Cup 2023 – 32 nations. Only 1 can be crowned champs

  The FIBA World Cup is one of the most prestigious basketball tournaments in the world, bringing together national teams The post Basketball: FIBA World Cup 2023 – 32 nations. [...]

- admin

When it comes to football, Europe often steals the spotlight with its renowned leagues and star-studded clubs. However, Asia is The post The Excitement Unleashed: 5 Football Leagues to Watch [...]

- admin

The 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup is set to be a thrilling tournament on July 20th 2023, with many talented The post Teams to watch out for this FIFA Women’s [...]



How researchers are saving architectural slide collections

Photo courtesy of UC Riverside In a push to preserve the past, the Society of Architectural Historians’ (SAH) Color Film Emergency Project (CFEP) is working to save 35mm color slide [...]

February Editors' photo challenge announced: Winter Games

On a blustery, snowy day in 2016, my now-husband, some friends and I made our way to Estes Park for an ice climb that required a hike in (or, in [...]

2025 recap: all the cameras, lenses and more we've tested this year

Photo: Mitchell Clark A lot of gear passes through our hands throughout the course of a year, and we wouldn't blame you if you missed some of the coverage. That's [...]

Accessory roundup: photography flavored keys, a cheaper grip, and more

Images: Akuko Labs, Pgytech, ProGrade It's Saturday, which means it's time for another accessory roundup. This week we're taking a look at cards, keyboards, and getting a peek at something [...]

Looking for affordable film? You might yet get Lucky

Image: Lucky Film Film enthusiasts can rejoice, as it seems the film resurgence is still going strong. Chinese film company Lucky Film released a teaser on its Instagram account announcing [...]

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